Monday, February 24, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Assignment Example Multi vary analysis provide full information on how a shift and a machine are factors, besides giving a full breakdown for one to determined which of the factors are involved, and from which sequence to the other without quantifying any of the factors ( Fay, M.P. & Proschan, M.A., 2010, pp. 1–39). It is indeed described as a perfect tool in the determination of where the variability will originate within the sequence of processes since it does not require manipulation of the independent variables or process parameters. Strengths of a multi-vary Chart is that: it provides visual alternatives to analysis of variance; they allow for the display of positional or cyclical variations in processes, and to study variations within a subgroup(s); and, providing an overall view of the factor effects based on the visualized sources of variations in a single diagram. For instance, the multi-chart below illustrates differences that exist between two call centers in terms of customer categor ies (green buttons), requests types (black and white symbols) and call centers (red buttons). It is epitomized that waiting durations are tentatively larger at M call center as compared to S call center. Instrumental variable (IV) Regression This is a broad approach of obtaining a regular estimator of the indefinite measurements of the population’s recession purpose whenever the regression, X, is correlated with the error term u. one has to think of the variable in X as having two parts: the first part that, for whatever reason, is correlated with u, and a second part that is not correlated with u. In case one has information that can allow him or her to effectively isolate the second section, to enable for a focus on the variables in X that bias the OLS estimates. Information based on movement in X that is uncorrelated with u is gleaned from one or more additional variables, known as the instrumental variables or in some cases, instruments. Therefore, instrumental variables regression applies the additional variables as tools of instruments in isolating the movements in X that are uncorrelated with u, which in turn permit consistent estimation of the regression coefficients. The main key to achieving successful empirical analysis using instrumental variables is through finding valid instruments. Instrument Variable can hence be used in addressing issues to do with threats to internal validity such as: omitted variable bias from a variable correlated with X but is unobserved, to obstruct its inclusion in the regression; errors-in-variables bias; and, simultaneous causality bias. T-Test This analysis tool evaluates if the means of two sets are statistically dissimilar to one another. The t-test is used for testing differences between two means. So as to use a t-test, the same variable has to be measured in varied groups, at varied times, or in comparison to a known population mean. The shared applications of the t-test analysis systems involve testing th e dissimilarities existing between independent clusters, and analysis the differences concerning depended sets. In a T-test analysis, statistical assumption made are that most of its cases have the form t is equal to Z/s, a case of which Z and s are data functions. One-way ANOVA A one-way analysis of variance is a method of testing the

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Comprehensive Policy Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comprehensive Policy - Research Paper Example According to 1848 Supreme court ruling, some of the cruel and unusual punishment prohibited by this amendment include beheading, drawing, and burning alive among others. Despite the fact that most of these forms of punishment are no longer being practiced, the scope of protection of the inmates against inhuman treatment remains unchanged. Consequently, any punishment that violates the dignity of an inmate is prohibited by the constitution. Additionally, the pretrial detainees who are unable to afford bail have a constitutional right to be housed facilities that are humane and can not be treated or punished as guilty persons while they are still awaiting trials. On the other hand, the equal protection clause found in the 14th amendment of the constitution has also been used in numerous occasions to defend the rights of inmates. The clause particularly protects inmates against any form of unequal treatment on the basis of creed, race, and sex. This policy paper provided a comprehensive overview of the rights of inmates and the policy recommendations that can be used by correctional officers during the decision making processes in correctional facilities. The basic rights of inmates Despite their imprisonment or confinement, inmates often retain some rights. On of the basic rights of prisoners afforded by the constitution is the right to access fair court representation. Prisoners also retain their fundamental right of bodily integrity; therefore, Correctional officers must always ensure that inmates are not assaulted. For example, in 1962 a court ruling on the case of Robin v. California extended the provisions of the eighth amendment regarding the protection of inmates against cruel and unusual punishment to states (Rudovsky & Bronstein, 2008). Additionally, according to the current constitutional provisions, the only civil rights that inmates may lose are those that are taken away by the necessary implication or expressly by a constitutional act. Apart from pro tection against cruel and unusual punishment provided by the eighth amendment, federal laws also accord inmates a number of freedoms, such as the freedom of religion, speech and the right to equal protection under the federal and state laws with no regard to any discriminatory factors (Smith, 2000). Both the federal and state correctional facilities are only allowed to limit any of the basic rights of the prisoners if it is confirmed necessary for security of the correctional facility, crime prevention, and security as well as to protect the security of the inmate or others. Any limitation of the basic rights of inmates should be proportionate to the objectives that the correctional officers are seeking to achieve. Although the courts often rule in favor of correctional facilities and prison establishments involved in curtailing the civil rights of inmates, such rulings are generally intended to help in the maintenance of order and inmates retain their right to low but basic standar ds of living; they have a legal right to complain if they feel that their rights are being violated. In the Procunier v. Martinez (1974), a number of prisoners challenged the censorship of mails directed to inmates. The court ruled that any restriction on the freedom of speech of inmates should